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E-Z Water **All Scales – Woodland Scenics

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All Scales

Original price was: $17.99.Current price is: $14.75.

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Availability: 9 in stock


E-Z Water is a great solution for easy, fast and flat surfaces. There is no need for measuring or mixing. Just melt E-Z Water and pour to create ponds, streams, rivers and harbors. E-Z Water hardens in minutes and is easy to tint with powdered fabric dye. It is a low odor, non-toxic, plastic product that comes in the form of pellets.

E-Z Water is compatible with Water Undercoats and Surface Waters. Note: Do not use Water Tints with E-Z Water.

Kit includes:

Contents cover 154 in2 when poured to a depth of 1/8″.

16 oz vol (473 mL)

Weight 0.6875 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 3.5 × 2 in

Made in the USA

Woodland is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community. We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations. Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland employees. When you purchase Woodland Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.

Safety Warning

-Model making product. Not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years! -Produit pour le mod?lisme. Pas un jouet! Pas adapt? aux enfants de moins de 14 ans! -Producto para modelismo. No es un juguete! No adecuado para ni?os menores de 14 a?os! -Modellbauartikel. Kein Spielzeug! Nicht geeigent f?r Kinder unter 14! * CAUTION: Heat only as instructed. Contact with heated E-Z Water may cause skin and eye irritation. Avoid spills and spattering material when heating and pouring.DO NOT MIX PELLETS WITH ANY LIQUID! Dangerous spattering may occur and cause burns. FIRST AID - Eye Contact: Flush immediately with cool water for 15 minutes. If product becomes solidified, do NOT remove from eye. Seek medical attention immediately. Skin Contact: Wash with soapy water. Ingested: Seek medical attention immediately. E-Z Water is non-toxic. MISE EN GARDE: CHAUFFER SEUL SELON LES INSTRUCTIONS. Le contact avec E-Z Water chaud peut provoquer une irritation de la peau et les yeux. ?viter d?versements et ?claboussements du mat?riel pendant le chauffage et le rejet. NE PAS M?LANGER LES GRANUL?S AVEC AUCUN LIQUIDE! Pourraient survenir ?claboussements dangereuses et occasionner des br?lures. PREMIERS SECOURS ? Contact avec les yeux: Lavez imm?diatement ? l'eau froide pendant 15 minutes. Si le produit se solidifie, ne le retirer. Recherchez soins m?dicaux imm?diatement. Contact avec la peau: laver avec de l'eau savonneuse. Ingestion: Recherchez soins m?dicaux imm?diatement. E-Z Water n'est pas toxique. PRECAUCI?N: CALENTAR SOLO SEG?N LAS INSTRUCCIONES. El contacto con E-Z Water caliente puede provocar irritaci?n de la piel y los ojos. Evitar derrames y salpicaduras del material durante el calentamiento y el vertido. ?NO MEZCLAR LOS GRANULOS CON NING?N L?QUIDO! Podr?an ocurrir salpicaduras peligrosas y causar quemaduras. PRIMEROS AUXILIOS ? Contacto con los ojos: Lave inmediatamente con agua fr?a durante 15 minutos. Si el producto se solidifica, NO lo quite. Busque atenci?n m?dica inmediatamente. Contacto con la Piel: Lavar con agua jabonosa. Ingesta: Busque atenci?n m?dica inmediatamente. E-Z Water no es t?xico. VORSICHT: NUR WIE ANGEWIESEN ERHITZEN. Der Kontakt mit erhitztem E-Z Water kann zu Haut- und Augenirritationen f?hren. Vermeiden Sie es, beim Erhitzen und Gie?en Material zu versch?tten oder zu verspritzen. MISCHEN SIE DAS GRANULAT NICHT MIT IRGENDEINER FL?SSIGKEIT! Dadurch kann es zu gef?hrlichem Verspritzen kommen, was zu Verbrennungen f?hren kann. ERSTE HILFE bei Augenkontakt: Sofort mit kaltem Wasser 15 Minuten lang sp?len. Sollte sich das Produkt verfestigen, NICHT vom Auge entfernen. Sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen. Hautkontakt: Mit Seife und Wasser abwaschen. Verschlucken: Sofort einen Arzt aufsuchen. E-Z Water ist nicht giftig.

ASTM Certified

Woodland Quality Brands is committed to manufacturing superior quality, safety-tested products. All of our modeling materials are evaluated by a Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) Approved Toxicologist to ensure they meet the standards for art materials set out by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) International, if applicable. "ASTM International, formerly known as the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), is a globally recognized leader in the development and delivery of international voluntary consensus standards. Today, some 12,000 ASTM standards are used around the world to improve product quality, enhance safety, facilitate market access and trade, and build consumer confidence." For more information about ASTM International, visit?http://www.astm.org/ABOUT/overview.html.


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