Made in the USA

Woodland is committed to a business practice, which supports the economy of our local community.
We manufacture the vast majority of our products at our Linn Creek, Missouri manufacturing plant, which also houses our product development, package and creative design, marketing, sales and customer service operations.
Many of the products or parts of the products we manufacture overseas, come back home for packaging and shipping by Woodland employees.
When you purchase Woodland Quality Brands, you support American manufacturing working in balance with a global economy to support American jobs.
Safety Warning
-Model making product. Not a toy! Not suitable for children under 14 years!
-Produit pour le mod?lisme. Pas un jouet! Pas adapt? aux enfants de moins de 14 ans!
-Producto para modelismo. No es un juguete! No adecuado para ni?os menores de 14 a?os!
-Modellbauartikel. Kein Spielzeug! Nicht geeigent f?r Kinder unter 14!
CAUTION: Sheet may have sharp edges. Cutting tool recommended. Use both with care.
ATTENTION: La feuille peut avoir des bords tranchants. Outil de coupe recommand?. Utiliser les deux
avec soin.
PRECAUCI?N: la hoja puede tener bordes filosos. Herramienta de corte recomendada. Usa ambos con
ACHTUNG: Blatt kann scharfe Kanten haben. Schneidwerkzeug empfohlen. Benutze beide mit Sorgfalt.
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